Sunday, December 21, 2008

Our happy bag family

So anyway it was sunny (although cold) and neither child is sick today so we bundled them up and took them out. The leaped around the yard, finding all the best muddy spots, having a great time.

That's the great thing about dressing your kids in hand me downs and thrift store finds and Aldi's rain boots on sale. You cease to care if they destroy it, since you spent practically nothing on it. Sure, my daughters used jackets don't have that bandbox, shiny "new" look to them, but after a month of two with my kids - even a brand new one wouldn't.

And they are happy. They don't care. I don't care either. Their dad doesn't care. He wears raggedy stuff too sometimes, just like me.

We probably DO look like a bag family at times. We spruce up for work and (K's) school, but when it's just us? Forget it. Multiple fashion don'ts around here.

I'm sure it's saved us a bundle of money. So we'll continue to do it. This post was more about attitudes and being "ok" with wearing used clothes and not having/buying/wearing the latest thing. I'll be doing another post with my techniques for finding good stuff at thrift stores, and putting together and organizing a child's wardrobe and storing them effectively. I'm always open to suggestions, so I welcome your input on this too!

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