Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cheap Stain Treatment Spray

My friend gave me this recipe. I love it.

1/4 cup liquid automatic dishwashing detergent (I think you could get the dollar store or aldi's powder kind and dissolve it in water - 1/4 cup dissolved in 1/4 cup water, heat until it melts)

1/4 cup powdered laundry detergent (I used 1/4 cup of my own homemade laundry detergent, which is a liquid, and posted elsewhere on this site.)

1/4 cup vinegar

Mix it all in a spray bottle (I use my old spray and wash and totally toddler bottles!), shake, then fill up with hot water. Let the bubbes die down and then top it off. It should be totally full. If you don't dilute it will be too strong and bleach out your clothes. Shake to mix before each has worked wonderfully for me.

SOOOOOO much cheaper than Spray and Wash or Totally Toddler. Also, it seems to actually work better. It even got out cherry jello stains this latest go-round, which shocked even me. I didn't think anything could get out that horrible red food dye.

A big thank you to my friend D----- for this great recipe. It's going to save our family a lot of money I suspect.


Sheree said...

I love the homemade stain treatment! It works so much better than the store bought and is so much cheaper too.

By the way, I absolutely love the new way you are doing your blog!!!!!!!!!

CookinsForMe said...

Ahh, this is a great one! I've use it for several years and it works like a charm, doesn't it?